‘Lymphoma News Today’ Columnist Shares What She Loves About Her Oncologist

Having lymphoma is challenging and stressful, so finding an oncologist you feel comfortable with will help smooth your treatment journey and allay some of your fears.

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Lymphoma News Today columnist, Radiant Racheli, shares some of the things that make her relationship with her oncologist and support staff so special and the difference it makes in her life.

In her article “10 Tips for Finding the Perfect Oncologist” Racheli talks about the extra mile her oncologist and his team go to make her feel supported and fully informed. They explain every step of her lymphoma journey, along with the treatment she’s received.

Racheli explains that it’s often the little things that are the most appreciated. It shows that the team cares about their patients’ needs, both the practical and the emotional. From hand-delivering prescriptions to telephoning her test results while she was vacationing in Alaska to smoothing over any insurance issues and inquiring about her pole-dancing hobby, Racheli’s healthcare team has shown time and time again that they care deeply about their patients.

Having a good relationship with your oncologist is incredibly important. You should feel comfortable talking to him or her about anything — not just lymphoma-related issues. In turn, they should be open and honest about all aspects of your treatment and talk to you in language you understand, not medical jargon. They should dedicate as much time to you as you need and answer any questions you have, no matter how daft or insignificant they may seem.

MORE: Seven tips to help you find the right oncologist. 

Lymphoma News Today is strictly a news and information website about the disease. It does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. This content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or another qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this website.

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