Types of Lymphoma Clinical Trials



The decision to enroll in a clinical trial should involve a discussion between the patient and the individual’s physician. Participation in a trial will depend on many factors, including the motivation for enrolling in a trial, the type of lymphoma, the trials available, and the stage of the lymphoma.

There are many different reasons as to why researchers conduct lymphoma clinical trials. These can include:

  • Testing a therapy, such as a drug or other medical intervention, for treating existing lymphoma. These are known as interventional trials.
  • Finding ways to stop the development of lymphoma, for example through lifestyle changes, diet or medications. These are called prevention trials.
  • Evaluating ways to better diagnose lymphoma. These are referred to as diagnostic and screening trials.
  • Studying lymphoma in a large group of people to better understand it as a health issue. This is known as an observational trial or a non-interventional study.
  • Examining ways to improve the comfort and quality of life for people with lymphoma. These are often called supportive care trials or quality of life trials.


Read full article here: http://bit.ly/1PgaLYM

If you wish to learn more about lymphoma access here: http://bit.ly/1UwWKe6

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