How to Manage Cancer-Related Fatigue


This animated video from Doc Mike Evans explains the effects of cancer-related fatigue.

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Dr. Evans explains that fatigue is the most common medical issue for cancer patients, ranking higher than pain or depression. He shares that cancer fatigue is very different than the fatigue most people face when they’re overtired or stressed, and that it has a profound effect on a person’s physical and mental health.

Cancer-related fatigue can be brought on by a combination of things: the cancer itself, the side effects of cancer treatments like chemotherapy and radiotherapy, and depression or anxiety associated with having a chronic illness. This type of fatigue is long-lasting and does not diminish after a good night’s sleep or a restful half-hour break.

Dr. Evans suggests some ways to try and counteract their fatigue including exercise, eating well, not overdoing things and avoiding stress where possible.

MORE: Here are some tips on how to manage some of the side effects of chemotherapy

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